Mocktail Anyone?
August 13, 2021
We left town for a once-in-a-year-and-half break last month. We’re sure you missed us.
Mocktails anyone?

Be sure to save this cookbook for the Holidays and enjoy the Misteltoe Mocktail!
Grow Something New!

Shishito peppers are inexpensive and easy to make. Their thin skin blisters and chars easily, which makes them easy to cook. It only takes a few minutes in the pan or on the grill, with a bit of salt and pepper, to taste delicious. In addition, the fact that one in 10 peppers is spicy adds an extra element of chance that’s hard to match in other foods. In other words, eating shishito peppers with a group can become a minigame. Who’s going to bite into a hot pepper first?

All of us can benefit from periodically shaking things up a bit and there’s no better time than now!
Just Sharin’

We’ve informed about pulsed-electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) regularly in our posts. Everyone in our household makes time for a PEMF session for a few minutes daily to gain a physiotherapeutic benefit as a complement to good nutrition.
The PEMF provider we use and share is produced by a European company called Bemer.
Bemer PEMF devices rarely are marketed below manufacturer’s standard retail price. But through the end of August, Bemers, as they are colloquially known, are being sold at a discounted bundle price of $4,990, a $630 savings.
If you have an interest in exploring how this device might benefit you, call, text or email Donna 949.463.0520 You need more than pictures to understand a PEMF device. She can help you experience it.

Colorful Reminder
Juice Plus+ capsules and chewables are colorful and full of life-giving nutrition! This visual is an excellent reminder of all the fruits, veggies, berries, and omegas that Juice Plus+ provides. Think about it – on your best food days, do you come close to eating this impressive variety of plants?