Rewire Your Brain This Year
January 23, 2020
Gratitude, a timeless practice
Did you know that practicing gratitude actually rewires your brain? Take a moment to read this article and you’ll learn that gratitude not only rewires our brains but it also contributes to better physical health. In addition, the article gives us three practical steps to take to become more grateful. Being grateful: what a profound way to start the new decade!
Say no to junk food: 6 strategies
Read this article for some excellent tips on ways you can take your power back and say NO! to junk food.
Don’t let yourself get too hungry
Don’t drink your calories
Find foods that don’t cause war
Address your stress
Get enough sleep
Give yourself a break
Rewiring the Brain with PEMF
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy (PEMF) increases the flow of blood throughout our bodies, including the brain, by as much as 30%.
Regular application of PEMF to the head area can lead to improved mental performance, most notably better concentration.
Witness increased blood flow at the capillary level through PEMF.
PEMF and Circulation
The Power of a Teacher
The Tower Garden inspires many people, especially our educators. Here is one STEM teacher’s story: four years ago she started her school garden/entrepreneur program. That program has now expanded to 21 Tower Gardens.
Currently, they are growing one of the premier school gardens in the country and she has more ideas on ways to include Tower Gardens in her curriculum. Just imagine what your school can do with this technology!