Pump(kin) It Up
October 19, 2021
Our favorite month of the year is here along with the beginning of pumpkin season.
Pumpkin Recipes… of course!
Now that you understand why you need a variety of plants in your diet, here are a couple of recipes to encourage your exploration of our delicious plant kingdom. We’ve got you covered for breakfast and lunch with these two recipes.
Spiced Pumpkin Porridge Roasted Pumpkin & Quinoa Salad
Drink Quinoa + Pumpkin
That heading is intriguing!
But how do I drink, not eat, these plant-based foods? And can you make it really simple for me?
We can! Quinoa is a standard ingredient in our delicious Juice Plus+ Complete powders. When you make this shake, you’ll also get all of the orange nutrition of pumpkin!
PEMF Good, Frankenstein Bad
On Our Way to San Jose (Oops)Mesa AZ
We’re heading to Mesa Arizona this coming week for a tour of True Garden, our supplier of choice for Tower Gardens, accessories and seedlings.
Yes, seedlings and produce are grown in the middle of the Sonora Desert on an indoor commercial farm.
We’ll share the nuggets we bring away from our visit next month.